Institute for Credentialing Excellence

The Future of Credentialing


The Institute for Credentialing Excellence (I.C.E.) conducted this Future of Credentialing study to be a deliberate, evidence-based research initiative to assist credentialing organizations in environmental scanning and planning for change. The report provides a stream of research and resources to empower credentialing leaders to create a culture of foresight in their organizations, leading to a vibrant culture of foresight across the credentialing community.

I.C.E. envisions a future in which credentialing leaders not only are aware of potential changes ahead, but they are actively engaged with their organizational leadership, their staff, their members or certificants, and their peers to evaluate, to plan for and create opportunities from these changes.

Trend Inventory

I.C.E. worked with Foresight Alliance, a leading foresight consulting, to identify 87 trends with documentable insights to begin to filter the trends into categories as well as potential impact. The raw data and citations for these trends is located in this excel spreadsheet.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for this project includes:

  • CEOs and C-suite level staff members of credentialing organizations
  • Executive directors or directors of programs, embedded in a larger membership organization, who are responsible for the strategic planning for credentialing programs
  • Members of strategic governing bodies of credentialing organizations
  • Consultants who work with strategic governing bodies on strategically thinking about the future

Value Assessment

Please complete a survey requesting feedback to help I.C.E. determine the value of this report and inform any topical updates for future iterations. All responses are anonymous and are intended to help I.C.E. improve our offerings and programming.

Complete Survey

Future of Credentialing Board and Staff Prioritization Assessment

I.C.E. has created a tool to help you identify your board’s priorities related to the content and ideas in the report. We are now providing an assessment tool to help credentialing organizational leaders collect personalized data from your leadership to facilitate long-term conversations with board and staff members about what the future may hold. This assessment will help you and your organization prioritize what is most important and relevant for future success.

Learn more and participate

Facilitator's Guide

The Facilitator's Guide is a companion piece to the I.C.E. Future of Credentialing report and builds on its implementation suggestions to consider different lenses, prioritize elements of the report and initiate conversations. The guide provides specific strategies and tools in three areas:

  1. Initiating and Integrating the Practice of Foresight
  2. Overcoming Resistance
  3. Key Messages for Specific Audiences
    1. CEOs and C-suite Staff
    2. Credentialing Program Directors
    3. Volunteer Leaders
    4. Consultants

Download Guide

Download Facilitator Slides

Thinking Like a Futurist On Demand Workshop

Terry Grim, Partner at Foresight Alliance, provides an enlightening discussion on how to think like a futurist. This workshop is meant to help support your Future of Credentialing conversations.

Member Price: $75.00
Nonmember Price: $90.00


Purchase Workshop Recording

Additional Resources 

I.C.E. is developing a number of tools to be released on the heels of this project. While the timing of release has not yet been determined, you can expect the following tools to aid in your use of the project.

  • Value Assessment and Board Prioritization Tool
  • Online community 
  • Case Studies
  • I.C.E. Exchange Sessions
  • Future of Credentialing Part II

Volunteer Acknowledgement

The I.C.E. Future of Credentialing Report was developed through the support of I.C.E.’s Research & Development (R&D) fundraising initiative. Research was performed by Foresight Alliance, a consulting firm, with guidance provided by the I.C.E. Future of Credentialing Advisory Group, and I.C.E. staff. I.C.E. would like to recognize the members who volunteered their time to this project. Numerous members participated in interviews that helped the researchers select and refine the drivers of change, while a dedicated pool of member volunteers participated in focus groups conducted by Crystal Lake Partners.

Future of Credentialing Advisory Group

Cary List, FP (Retired), FCPA, FCA
Paul Grace, MS
Denise Fandel, MBA
Sheri Sesay-Tuffour, PhD, CAE, ICE-CCP

Foresight Alliance Research Team

Josh Calder
Mark Justman
Christopher Kent

Crystal Lake Partners

Kristine Metter, MS, CAE

A special acknowledgement of our I.C.E. volunteers who assisted with conducting the interviews of subject matter experts in this project.

Sara Duginske, MS, ICE-CCP
Bob Mahlman, MA, PMP, ICE-CCP
Nadine McBride, PhD
Drew Wiley, PhD