Institute for Credentialing Excellence

What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is the process by which a credentialing or educational program is evaluated against defined standards by a third party. When in compliance with these standards, it is awarded recognition. 

The Value of Accreditation

  • Enables credentialing organizations to demonstrate to profession it represents, and to general public its certificants serve, that their program has met the stringent standards set by the credentialing community
  • Enhances a program's credibility and legitimacy by providing impartial, third party oversight of a conformity assessment system
  • Provides organizations with a way to answer the question "who reviewed your certificate/certification program?", a question often posed by members of an occupation, employers, and sometimes, the courts

ICE Accreditation Services

ICE can accredit assessment-based certificate programs and certification programs. For information on the differences between these types of programs, please visit the Certificate vs. Certification page.

 Download the I.C.E. Accreditation Services brochure for more information on our accreditation offerings. 


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