Institute for Credentialing Excellence

NCCA Policies & Requests

Complaints against NCCA Accredited Programs

The National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) will accept and process complaints pertaining to violations of its Standards for Accreditation and/or its policies and procedures in accordance with Disciplinary Policy & Procedures.

Please be aware that the NCCA can act when there is evidence of violation of one of the accreditation standards only.  It does NOT have jurisdiction in enforcing eligibility or other policies and in adjudicating disputes over the interpretation and implementation for a specific organization's certification program.  Appeals of any decisions must be handled through the certifying body.

Complaints must be in writing and provide details, with appropriate supporting documentation if possible, of how a particular standard, policy or procedure is being or was violated by an accredited certification program.  The complainant's name and the content of the complaint shall remain confidential, unless legal requirements mandate disclosure or the complainant otherwise authorizes disclosure.

Complete the complaints form and submit it, along with supporting documentation, to

You may also mail the complaints form and supporting documentation to:

Linda Anguish
Director of Accreditation Services, I.C.E.
2001 K St NW #300
Washington, DC 20006

Reconsiderations of Accreditation Decisions

An applicant for accreditation that is materially aggrieved by a decision or other action of the Commission may request that the Commission reconsider the action. Please reference the NCCA policy manual section on Requests for Reconsiderations for more details. 

Use of the NCCA Accredited Program Logo

Once a program is accredited, NCCA provides its accredited program mark in various electronic formats so that the program may document its accreditation on its website or in printed materials.  Programs are permitted to use only the NCCA-accredited program logo and cannot, under any circumstances, use the NCCA organizational logo to promote its accredited programs.

To request an electronic copy of the NCCA-accredited program logo, please contact us at



2023 NCCA Policy Revision: One Year Accreditation with Compliance Reporting Requirements

The latest NCCA policy revision includes a change to the process for renewal programs that receive a one-year with compliance reporting accreditation determination, effective with applications submitted under the 2021 Standards. For background information and details regarding this policy change, review the NCCA policy update statementpdficon_large.png

Interpretation of Standards 

ICE will review and respond to requests for interpretation of specific Standards and Essential Elements. Such requests must be made in writing to ICE. ICE is the only body with the authority to formally issue interpretations of the NCCA Standards. Requests for Standards interpretations should be provided in writing to:

Linda Anguish
Director of Accreditation Services, ICE2001 K St NW #300
Washington, DC 20006

You may also e-mail your request to