The Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) is proud to announce the publication of the revised standard for certificate programs, ICE 1100: 2019 - Standard for Assessment-Based Certificate Programs. The Standard specifies essential requirements for certificate programs and provides guidance to program providers, consumers (both participants and employers) and others on what defines a high-quality program. In addition, the Standard is designed to be used by accrediting bodies as a benchmark standard for evaluating the quality of assessment-based certificate programs. ICE 1100: 2019 has been approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for adoption as an American National Standard.
Nearly 40 individuals volunteered to participate in the revision process and more joined in through two public comment periods. ICE expresses its sincere appreciation to all who contributed to updating and revising the Standard, which was originally published in 2009.
Update 4/17/2019
ICE is proud to announce:
ANSI/ICE 1100-2019, Standard for Assessment-Based Certificate Programs
An American National Standard (revision and redesignation of ANSI/NOCA 1100-2009)
Effective 4/9/2019
Additional information and resources will be available soon.
Thank you to the many volunteers and member of the credentialing community who contributed to this project!
Certificate vs. Certification: What's the Difference?
Update 1/4/2019
ICE is pleased to present the second draft revision of the ICE 1100-201x - Standard for Assessment-Based Certificate Programs (revision and redesignation of ANSI/NOCA 1100-2009).
For the past eight months, nearly 40 individuals representing various stakeholder categories, have contributed to this project. The revisions are intended to make the ICE 1100 Standard clearer, more streamlined and reflective of current practice.
The first draft revision of the Standard was published on this website and in ANSI Standards Action and was open for public comment for a 45-day period beginning on October 12, 2018 and closing on November 26, 2018. During this time period, a public webinar was held on October 30th and a concurrent session was held at the ICE Exchange on November 8th to explain the proposed revisions.
The Main Committee (consensus body) met on December 4th and December 6th to review and consider all public comments and any negative ballots received from committee members. As a result of this review, several substantive changes were made and these changes have been republished and opened for a 30-day public comment period.
Access the revisions to the second draft 
Access the complete revised Standard with revisions incorporated 
Please note: Substantive changes are indicated in the text by underlining (for additions) and strikethrough (for deletion). Only these marked changes to the previous draft are open for review and comment at this time. Additional material is provided for context only and is not open for comment except as it relates to the proposed substantive changes.
Public Review and Comment
ICE invites you to review the marked changes and, if you have comments, share them with the Main Committee who will vote on whether to approve these revisions. The Main Committee will be meeting on February 4, 2019, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. to review any substantive comments. Commentators and other non-member observers may request in writing an invitation from the Chair to attend a meeting. The request shall include the observer's interest category (producer, user, or general interest) and the reason attendance is being requested. Requests should be sent to
Comments must be submitted in writing. There is a recommended Comment Form available or you may email your comments to If emailing your comments, please include line number, proposed change, and justification for change.
Comments should be submitted no later than February 3, 2019.
We look forward to your participation! If you have any questions, feel free to email
Update 11/2/2018
ICE is pleased to present the draft revision of the ICE 1100-201x - Standard for Assessment-Based Certificate Programs (revision and redesignation of ANSI/NOCA 1100-2009).
For the past six months, nearly 40 individuals representing various stakeholder categories, have contributed to this project. The revisions are intended to make the ICE 1100 Standard clearer, more streamlined and reflective of current practice.
ICE invites you to review the changes and, if you have comments, share them with the Main Committee who will vote to approve these revisions. The Main Committee will be meeting via videoconference on the following dates:
- Tuesday, December 4th, from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET
- Thursday, December 6th, from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. ET
Commentators and other non-member observers may request in writing an invitation from the Chair to attend a meeting. The request shall include the observer's interest category (producer, user, or general interest) and the reason attendance is being requested. Requests should be sent to
Access the draft Standard 
You may also reference this matrix of changes
as you review the draft Standard.
Public Review and Comment
Comments must be submitted in writing. There is a recommended Comment Form available or you may email your comments to If emailing your comments, please include line number, proposed change, and justification for change.
Comments should be submitted no later than November 26, 2018.
Learn More
To learn more about the recommended revisions, please join Michele Nolin, CPLP, Chair of the Main Committee, for one of these opportunities:
We look forward to your participation! If you have any questions, feel free to email
Update 10/12/2018
ICE is pleased to present the draft revision of the ICE 1100-201x - Standard for Assessment-Based Certificate Programs (revision and redesignation of ANSI/NOCA 1100-2009).
For the past six months, nearly 40 individuals representing various stakeholder categories, have contributed to this project. The revisions are intended to make the ICE 1100 Standard clearer, more streamlined and reflective of current practice.
ICE invites you to review the changes and, if you have comments, share them with the Main Committee who will vote to approve these revisions. The Main Committee meeting date will be posted here as soon as it is determined, at least 30 days in advance.
Access the draft Standard 
You may also reference this matrix of changes
as you review the draft Standard.
Public Review and Comment
Comments must be submitted in writing. There is a recommended Comment Form available or you may email your comments to If emailing your comments, please include line number, proposed change, and justification for change.
Comments should be submitted no later than November 26, 2018.
Learn More
To learn more about the recommended revisions, please join Michele Nolin, CPLP, Chair of the Main Committee, for one of these opportunities:
We look forward to your participation! If you have any questions, feel free to email
Update 8/2/2018
The ICE 1100 Standards Revision Project is continuing.
The following dates have been established for the meetings of the Main Committee (consensus body):
Monday, July 16th from 2:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET - focus on Standard 6 and Education/Training aspects of the standard
Wednesday, July 25th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET - focus on Standard 7 and Assessment aspects of the standard
Monday, July 30th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET - focus on Standards 2-5, 8, Admin aspects of the standard
Tuesday, July 31st from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET - focus on Standard 1 and review the entire Standard in its totality
Friday, August 31st from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ET - focus and review the entire Standard in its totality
Following the meetings of the Main Committee, the revised Standard will be published on the ICE website and in ANSI Standards Action to allow for Public Comment. ICE will schedule and announce a webinar in order to review these changes with any interested parties. Inquiries on this process, requests for committee rosters, or requests to observe a meeting of the Main Committee should be sent to
Update 6/22/2018
The ICE 1100 Standards Revision Project is continuing. The Task Groups are continuing to meet to recommend revisions.
The following dates have been established for the meetings of the Main Committee (consensus body):
Monday, July 16th from 2:00 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET - focus on Standard 6 and Education/Training aspects of the standard
Wednesday, July 25th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET - focus on Standard 7 and Assessment aspects of the standard
Monday, July 30th from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET - focus on Standards 2-5, 8, Admin aspects of the standard
Tuesday, July 31st from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET - focus on Standard 1 and review the entire Standard in its totality
Following the meetings of the Main Committee, the revised Standard will be published on the ICE website and in ANSI Standards Action to allow for Public Comment. ICE will schedule and announce a webinar in order to review these changes with any interested parties. Inquiries on this process, requests for committee rosters, or requests to observe a meeting of the Main Committee should be sent to
Update 5/30/18
Many thanks to those who attended our April 3 interest meeting. Three subgroups have been formed to begin working on draft revisions to the ICE 1100 Standard: Instructional Design, Psychometrics and Administrative. Their recommendations will be considered by the Main Committee. The first Main Committee meeting will be held on Thursday, June 28 from 11:00 am – noon ET. Inquiries on this process should be sent to
ICE Seeks Participants for Revision of ICE 1100 American National Standard for Assessment-Based Certificate Programs
ICE is the developer of the American National Standard, ANSI/NOCA 1100-2009, Assessment Based Certificate Programs. An assessment-based certificate program is a non-degree granting program that: a) provides instruction and training to aid participants in acquiring specific knowledge, skills, and/or competencies associated with intended learning outcomes; b) evaluates participants’ accomplishment of the intended learning outcomes; and c) awards a certificate only to those participants who meet the performance, proficiency, or passing standard for the assessment(s). ICE currently accredits such programs to this Standard through its Assessment-based Certificate Accreditation Program (ACAP).
ICE has announced the initiation of a project to revise and rename this Standard (BSR/ICE 1100-201x). We are soliciting individuals to serve on the consensus committee that will be responsible for the revision of the standard and for providing due-process for all comments received during the public review process, as well as individuals to serve in other contributory roles.
Membership on the committee is open to all individuals directly and materially impacted by the scope of the standard as long as a balance of representation is provided for the various interest categories. Interested parties may include:
- Education and training organizations who develop such programs
- Users of such programs, such as employers and consumers (participants), and accrediting bodies
- Governmental agencies
- Individuals with general interest in the topic, such as consultants, trainers and others who provide related services
An organization can only have one voting representative on the consensus committee. However, there are other committees and roles where additional participants will be welcome to join. To submit your name to learn more about and potentially participate in the process, please contact ICE staff at
An interest meeting has been scheduled for April 3rd at 10am - 11:30 am ET. There will be a live meeting at ICE headquarters in Washington, DC with teleconferencing capabilities to allow for wide geographic participation. During this meeting we will provide an overview of the current Standard as well as the Defining Features of Assessment-Based Certificate Programs and discuss the scope of the project, the revision process, and the various opportunities to be involved. At the conclusion of the meeting you will be able to indicate your preferences for further participation.
Please feel free to notify others that you believe would have an interest in this project.