Institute for Credentialing Excellence

Mission and Vision


Lead through accreditation, advocacy, education, innovation, research, and standards to enhance the value of credentialing organizations.


Excellence in credentialing provides a safe, effective and ethical workforce.

Strategic Objectives

The Board of Directors operates under the Policy Governancetm  model so that the strategic plan is driven by the association's established Ends Goals.

Ends Statements

Approved August 2024

1.0 Credentialing standards and best practices are adopted and used by organizations to develop, maintain and improve credentialing programs.

2.0 Professionals who lead and support credentialing programs have the relevant knowledge, skills, abilities, and resources to develop, maintain – and improve quality in – all aspects of credentialing.

3.0 Research advances the quality and value of credentialing.

4.0 Stakeholders and the general public value a workforce with reputable credentials and accreditation of high-quality credentialing programs.

5.0 I.C.E. members are engaged in and value the credentialing community.

6.0 I.C.E. is a credible voice providing thought leadership in emerging issues facing professional credentialing.

7.0 High-quality credentials are integrated in an eco-system that includes entities such as higher education, employers, workforce agencies, funders, and others focusing on advancing professions.


I.C.E. Exists So That:

Best practices in credentialing serve employers, professions, occupations, and the public.