Institute for Credentialing Excellence

2024 Call for Award Nominees

Deadline to Submit Nominations is August 16.

I.C.E. seeks to recognize individuals who demonstrated innovative leadership in the field of professional credentialing, and outstanding commitment or service to I.C.E.

All nominees must be I.C.E. members, and will be asked to submit:

  • Resumé
  • Short Biography (or organization/program description)
  • Responses to questions (included under each category)
  • The Leadership and Lifetime Achievement Award require at least one letter of recommendation to be submitted. All other categories are welcome to request optional emails of support.

Why You Should Submit a Nomination

I.C.E. Award Categories

Click on each award category below to review a description of the award and to access the questions nominees will respond to.

I.C.E. accepts nominations for the following categories:

drop down arow.pngLifetime Achievement Award

I.C.E.’s most prestigious award, periodically presented in recognition of long-standing, extraordinary contributions to the credentialing industry. The award recognizes members (or retired members) whose vision, efforts, commitment and contributions advanced the credentialing profession.

Nominee Criteria:

  • Demonstrate extraordinary contributions and commitment to the credentialing industry at large.

  • Serve as an advocate to promote the benefits of credentialing to the public and/or the professional occupational communities.

Download the Questions for the Lifetime Achievement Award

Lifetime Achievement

drop down arow.pngCredentialing Industry Leadership Award

Recognizes an individual who demonstrated innovative leadership in the credentialing and/or licensure industry by developing, implementing and researching programs or practices.

Nominee Criteria:

  • Current or retired I.C.E. member with a history of volunteer leadership or participation within the organization. Individual should be working in the credentialing field at the time of nomination and at the time the award is presented.
  • Demonstrate significant evidence of contributions to the field of credentialing through:
    • Innovative leadership activities related to specific credentialing activities, programs or aspects of programs (e.g. exam development, marketing, international expansion, administration, professional ethics, standards development); or
    • Research activities to benefit credentialing; or
    • Activities to benefit consumers/clients of certification services; or
    • Exemplary service and commitment to the field of credentialing.
  • Serve as an advocate to promote the benefits of credentialing to the public and/or the professional occupational communities.

Download the Questions for the Leadership Award 

Credentialing Industry Leadership

drop down arow.pngMary Macomber Service Award

Recognizes an individual who displayed exemplary service and commitment to the community of I.C.E. and the organization, was instrumental in facilitating the achievement of the I.C.E.’s goals, and demonstrated a history of volunteer service in I.C.E.

Nominee Criteria:

  • Current I.C.E. member with a history of volunteer leadership or participation within the organization.
  • Individual working in the credentialing field.
  • Demonstrate exemplary service and commitment to I.C.E. mission and goals by volunteer service on committees, conference presentations, professional development activities and/or publications, former service on the Board of Directors and/or on I.C.E.'s Accreditation Services Components. Serve as an advocate to promote the value of I.C.E. to others within the credentialing community and also external audiences.

Download the Questions for the Mary Macomber Service Award 

Mary Macomber Service

drop down arow.pngInnovator Award

Recognizes an individual or organization who/which created an innovative approach to a product, policy, process, or system that transforms or achieves a new level of success in a unique and innovative way. The specific innovation should be one that is transformative and replicable for other individuals/organizations and therefore, not profession/industry specifics.

Nominee Criteria:

  • Current I.C.E. member or employee of an I.C.E. member (any membership category is eligible).
  • Individual or organization working in the credentialing field.
  • Demonstrable success with an innovation to a product, policy, process or system that transforms or achieves a new level of success in a unique/innovative way.

Download the Questions for the Innovator Award 


drop down arow.pngNext Gen Professional Award

Recognizes an individual who is early in the development of their credentialing career and is forty-years old or younger. This individual demonstrates commitment to developing skills necessary for success in the credentialing profession, a desire to create a career path in credentialing, and a willingness to mentor others within their organization.

Nominee Criteria:

  • Current I.C.E. member or employee of an I.C.E. member (any membership category is eligible).
  • Individual or organization working in the credentialing field.
  • Demonstrable success with above described attributes.

Download the Questions for the Next Gen Award 

Next Gen Professional

drop down arow.pngResearch Award

Recognizes an individual or organization that conducted credentialing-related research of particular significance to the I.C.E. community. Specifically, this award recognizes best practice in research as well as the impact on the credentialing community.

Nominee Criteria:

  • Current I.C.E. member or employee of an I.C.E. member (any membership category is eligible).
  • Individual or organization working in the credentialing field.

Download the Questions for the Research Award 

Research Award

How to Submit a Nomination

I.C.E. welcomes all nominations, including self-nominations. All nominations are submitted online and are not anonymous. Nominees need an I.C.E. profile in order to submit a nomination.

Nominating an Individual Person

  • Complete the contact information for each nominee, to be entered in an online form
  • Brief bio (approximately 175 words for inclusion in the conference program, if selected),  a .doc or .pdf to upload
  • Resume, a .doc or .pdf to upload (not rquired if nominating and organization)
  • Support comments from a professional colleague and/or the nominator affirming the nominee’s contribution(s) to the credentialing field or to I.C.E., by email
  • Response to questions (provided under each award description below), a .doc or .pdf to upload 

Nominating an Organizaiton/Program (Innovator or Research Award)

  • Complete the contact information for the individual connected to the organization, entered in an online form
  • Brief summary of the organization and program (approximately 175 words for inclusion in the conference program, if selected),  a .doc or .pdf to upload
  • Support comments from a professional colleague and/or the nominator affirming the contribution(s) to the credentialing field or to I.C.E., by email
  • Response to questions (provided under each award description below), a .doc or .pdf to upload 

If you are nominating someone and need support in completing the application? Contact awards@credentialingexcellence.org

Anonymous nominations/applications may be submitted upon request. Contact awards@credentialingexcellence.org for details and to confirm recognition preferences.

Please note: Individuals currently serving on I.C.E.'s Board of Directors or on I.C.E.'s Accreditation Services Components (NCCA, ACAC) will not be considered for receipt of any I.C.E. award until after the individual’s term of service is complete.


I.C.E. staff will review all applications against a rubric related to the submission requests. An outside selection committee comprised of I.C.E. members will review anonymous awardee information to assist in the final selection process.


All awards decisions will be sent to the nominator and the nominee.

Selected awardees are invited to pre-record remarks and accept their award at the Awards Ceremony, Tuesday, November 19 at the I.C.E. Exchange in Miami Beach, Florida. Award winners will also receive recognition on the website and in Credentialing Insights online journal, and will be considered for presenting the basis for their award in an educational format (i.e. webinar, conference session, CEO Conversation, Podcast, etc).

Review Previous Award Winners

Questions or need support or requests for accomodations?

Contact I.C.E. Staff at awards@credentialingexcellence.org.


Ben Shimberg Public Service Award

I.C.E. is honored to support the Dr. Benjamin Shimberg Public Service Award, which recognizes an individual whose career and accomplishments support accountability and advance the public interest in professional licensure and certification. I.C.E. thanks the Public Member Committee, who nominate and select the individual receiving this award. Learn the history of the award, the nomination and selection process, and past recipients on Public Member Page.