Institute for Credentialing Excellence

NCCA Standards Revision

December 2024 Update- Public Comment: NCCA Guidance Document on AI in Certification Programs

The NCCA is seeking public feedback on the Draft Guidance Document: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Certification Programs. This guidance aims to address the evolving role of AI in credentialing while ensuring compliance with NCCA Standards.

Key Details:


Download the 2021 NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs today!

The updated online application is now available. Visit the online application portal.

2021 Standards Overview Presentation

Watch a recording of the 2021 Standards overview presentation, and download the presentation.


Which Standards are being used to review accreditation applications?

For the January 31, 2022; April 30, 2022; and August 31, 2022 application deadlines, programs will be accredited against the 2014 NCCA Standards.

Beginning the January 31, 2023 application deadline, programs will be accredited against the 2021 NCCA Standards.

My reaccreditation application is due in 2022, which Standards and application should I use?

Programs submitting an application for one of the 2022 deadlines should refer to the 2014 NCCA Standards. In the online accreditation portal, the 2014 Standards correspond with the 2016 NCCA Application. Note: the 2014 Standards were released in 2014 and implemented in 2016.

My reaccreditation application is due in 2023, which Standards should I use?

Programs submitting an application for one of the 2023 deadlines should refer to the 2021 NCCA Standards. Use the 2021 NCCA Application in the online accreditation portal.

I am submitting a new application, when should I submit?

You may submit an NCCA application during any of the application deadlines (January 31, April 30, August 31). Please be aware that if you intend to submit an application in 2023, you must use the 2021 NCCA Standards and the 2021 NCCA Application.

If submitting an application in 2022, please refer to the 2014 NCCA Standards and use the 2016 NCCA Application.

December 2021 Update

The NCCA Standards Revision Main Committee is pleased to present the 2021 NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs
Complimentary to I.C.E. Members | $75 Non-Members

The revised Standards were approved in October 2021 by the NCCA Standards Revision Main Committee and are now published. Implementation of the 2021 NCCA Standards will begin with the January 31, 2023 application deadline.

What does this mean for currently accredited programs?

For reaccreditation applications due in 2022: nothing - yet!

  • You will submit your 2022 renewal application that is currently available to you, in compliance with the 2014 NCCA Standards.

  • After 2022, your future reaccreditation applications must comply with the 2021 Standards.

For reaccreditation applications due in 2023 (and beyond):

  • You will receive access to a new online application by early February 2022, in accordance with the 2021 NCCA Standards.

  • Your program(s) will be accredited against the 2021 Standards. 

What does this mean for programs interested in applying for NCCA accreditation?

Applications that are submitted after the August 31, 2022 deadline must use the updated application in accordance with the 2021 Standards. You will have the option to:

  • start a new application under the 2014 Standards for submission in 2022, or

  • start a new application with the 2021 Standards, if you are planning to submit in 2023. This application will be available in early February 2022. 

drop down arow.pngPrior Announcements

Click on the arrow to access prior announcements related to the standards revision process.

August 31, 2021 Update

The NCCA Standards Revision Main Committee is pleased to present the third draft revision of the NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs. 

The first draft revision of the Standard was published on this website and was open for public comment for a 45-day period beginning on January 29, 2021 and closing on March 15, 2021. After this time period, an open meeting was held with the Main Committee to review the substantive feedback received during the public comment period.

The Main Committee met several times during the months of April, May, and June to consider all public comments. As a result of this review, several substantive changes were made and those changes were republished and opened for a second 30-day public comment period through July 31, 2021. 

Revisions made after the review of the feedback from the second public comment period are now open for public comment for 30 days from August 31 - September 30, 2021. 

Please note: Please note: only the items marked as tracked changes in the Overview document are open for comment during this public comment period. 

Public Comment 30-Day Period

We invite you to review the identified changes and, if you have comments, share them with the Main Committee who will vote to approve these revisions. To facilitate your review, the following resources are available:

An online survey has been created to collect your comments after you have reviewed these materials. Comments will be collected for 30 days through September 30, 2021. Thank you in advance for providing your feedback to this critically important project!

Comments must be submitted via the online survey no later than Thursday, September 30, 2021. If you have questions, please email I.C.E. Accreditation Services Staff at

July 1, 2021 Update

The NCCA Standards Revision Main Committee is pleased to present the second draft revision of the NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs. 

The first draft revision of the Standard was published on this website and was open for public comment for a 45-day period beginning on January 29, 2021 and closing on March 15, 2021. After this time period, an open meeting was held with the Main Committee to review the substantive feedback received during the public comment period.

The Main Committee met several times during the months of April, May, and June to consider all public comments. As a result of this review, several substantive changes were made and these changes have been republished and opened for a 30-day public comment period through July 31, 2021. 

Please note: Substantive changes are indicated in red text in the comparison document. Only these marked changes to the previous draft are open for review and comment at this time. Additional material is provided for context only and is not open for comment except as it relates to the proposed substantive changes. 

Public Comment 30-Day Period

We invite you to review the identified changes and, if you have comments, share them with the Main Committee who will vote to approve these revisions. To facilitate your review, the following resources are available:

An online survey has been created to collect your comments after you have reviewed these materials. Comments will be collected for 30 days through July 31, 2021. Thank you in advance for providing your feedback to this critically important project!

Comments must be submitted via the online survey no later than Saturday, July 31, 2021. If you have questions, please email I.C.E. Accreditation Services Staff at

March 12, 2021 Update

Open Meeting with the NCCA Standards Revision Main Committee
Wednesday, March 31
11:00am - 1:00pm ET
Registration Closed

The NCCA Standards Revision Main Committee invites you to an open meeting to review feedback received via the 45-day public comment period, closing on March 15. Attend this meeting to hear the substantive comments that were submitted and have the opportunity to speak in support or opposition with the Main Committee who will vote on whether to approve these revisions. 

Note: all substantive comments that are submitted timely will be considered, whether or not you are present at the meeting.

Please refer to the Standards revision materials and online survey listed below, under the January update, to share comments on the proposed changes by the March 15 deadline. The survey to submit comments was closed as of March 16, 2021.

January 29, 2021 Update

The NCCA Standards Revision Main Committee is pleased to present the 2021 draft revision of the NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs. 

For the past fifteen months, over 30 individuals representing various stakeholder categories have contributed to this project. The intent of this revision was to clarify, reorganize/increase efficiency, and address challenges that have arisen in applying the NCCA Standards over the past five years. The revisions are not intended to increase the difficulty of attaining accreditation. Rather, by adding clarity, the NCCA anticipates that organizations will better understand expectations of certification program quality and the evidence needed to demonstrate compliance.

Public Comment 45-Day Period

We invite you to review the changes and, if you have comments, share them with the Main Committee who will vote to approve these revisions. The Main Committee will host an open meeting after the close of the public comment period to review any substantive changes proposed through public comment. 

To facilitate your review, the following resources are available:

An online survey has been created to collect your comments after you have reviewed these materials. Comments will be collected for 45 days through March 15, 2021. Thank you in advance for providing your feedback to this critically important project! The survey is closed as of March 16, 2021. 

Comments must be submitted via the online survey no later than Monday, March 15, 2021. If you have questions, please email I.C.E. Accreditation Services Staff at

As part of its continuous process of quality improvement, the NCCA initiated a review and update of the Standards beginning in August 2019. The intent of the revision is to:

  • clarify,
  • reorganize/increase efficiency,
  • and address challenges that have arisen in applying the Standards over the past four years.

There is no intent to change the meaning and stature of NCCA accreditation. 

Anticipated Revision Timeline

revision timeline.jpg

*Anticipated dates subject to change.

Implementation of the Standards is expected in 2022.  

Standards Revision Main Committee and Technical Advisory Group (TAG)

In September of this year, ICE issued an open invitation to apply to participate on the Main Committee for the Standards Revision process.  In order to ensure a broad representation, only one member from any organization was selected.  A total of 59 individuals submitted applications and 15 were seated on the Consensus Body. An additional 15 individuals were selected to serve as members of a Technical Advisory Group.  This group will review the work of the Main Committee and provide feedback and suggestions prior to general publication.  

The Standards Revision Main Committee Co-Chairs are Larry Fabrey, PhD and Denise Fandel, MBA, CAE. The roster of Main Committee and Technical Advisory Committee members can be accessed here.