There is no superior program type - just the right program.
Although the terms sound similar, professional or personnel certification programs and assessment-based certificate programs serve different purposes. Their distinctions are important to understand when creating your program or programs.
I.C.E. has the tools to determine the right program type for your organization and candidates. Evaluate your program's goals, purpose, assessment, and maintenance requirements and identify the correct program path to meet your needs.
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Certificate vs. Certification: What's the Difference?
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Assessment-based Certificate Program |
Professional or Personnel Certification Program |
PURPOSE: Build capacity and recognition of a specialty area of practice or set of skills |
PURPOSE: Recognize professionals who meet established knowledge, skills, or competencies |
Provides instruction and training (non-degree granting) |
Assesses knowledge, skills, and/or competencies previously acquired |
Goal is for participants to acquire specific knowledge, skills, and/or competencies |
Goal is to validate the participant's competency through a conformity assessment system |
Assessment is used to evaluate mastery of the intended learning outcomes; linked directly to the learning event |
Assessment is best used to assure baseline competencies and to differentiate professionals; independent of a specific learning event |
Assessment content may be narrower in scope |
Assessment content is usually broad in scope |
Awards a certificate to recognize mastery of the specific learning outcomes; it is NOT a certificate of attendance or participation, which is awarded to individuals who have attended or participated in a course or training program but did not have to demonstrate mastery of the intended learning outcomes |
Awards designations to recognize achievement |
To earn accreditation, complies with the ICE 1100 Standard and follows the ACAP application procedures |
To earn accreditation, complies with the NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs and follows the NCCA application procedures |